As we are a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this site in accordance with general legislation as provided in Section 7 (1) TMG [Telemedia Act]. In accordance with Sections 8 to 10 TMG, however, we are not obligated to monitor communicated or stored third-party information or to search for circumstances that could indicate illegal activity.
The above provision is without prejudice to obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general legislation. Our liability in this sense, however, does not arise until the point in time at which we become aware of a concrete legal violation. The content will be removed immediately if we become aware of any legal violations.
Liability for links
Our site contains links to external third-party websites; we do not have any control over the content of such sites. As a consequence, we do not assume any warranties for this third-party content. The provider or operator of these sites is responsible for the content of the linked information. The linked sites are reviewed for possible legal violations at the time the link is set. No illegal content was discernible at the point in time at which the link was set.
We cannot reasonably be expected to monitor the content of the linked sites continuously unless there are concrete grounds to suspect a legal violation. The links will be removed immediately if we become aware of any legal violations.
The content and works on this site that have been created by the site operator are protected by German copyright laws. The reproduction, editing, dissemination, and utilization of any nature beyond the limits imposed by copyright law are subject to the written consent of the specific author or creator. Downloads and copies of any of the pages of this site are permitted solely for private, non-commercial use.
If and when content on this site did not originate with the operator, third-party copyrights have been respected. Special attention has been given to the designation of third-party content as such. If you should nevertheless become aware of a copyright violation, please notify us. Any such content will be removed immediately if we become aware of any legal violations.
Source: eRecht24